Sunday, May 29, 2005

Where are my priorities? Save "Joan of Arcadia"!

It came to my attention last week in a sermon that Joan of Arcadia, the hit CBS show which airs on Friday nights, will not be returning in the fall. The pastor and her partner in ministry (I like the partner description they use; it is so much more cooperative than "co-pastor" or the "senior" and "associate" designations) are sad to see this go because not only do they enjoy the show immensely, but they also reference the episodes in their confirmation classes. The show premiered my second year of college, so having no TV in my apartment, I didn't get to watch it regularly but I always enjoyed watching it when I was home for whatever holiday. It's one of the few shows my parents, sisters and I have ever all liked (this really is impressive).

I was just talking to my sister, Jessica, and the shows cancellation was one of many many many things we talked about. So, I told her I would look something up online and put it on my blog for her and others to say to whoever is in charge of this at CBS "Don't take Joan!" Thus, my first entry of social injustice and action links is not of global or even national importance, but for saving a beloved television show. I ask you- where are my priorities? Anyway, here's a link to a fansite's page of things to do (it's found halfway down): (Dads and Daughters site is especially good- action network covering a variety of topics).

FYI- I do have planned entries with a wide range of issues for taking action. El Salvador is upcoming in my discussion of the NGLS Assembly.


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