Happy Memorial Day
Happy Memorial Day. Check out the long overdue WWII Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. which was dedicated Memorial Day 2004.
Happy Memorial Day. Check out the long overdue WWII Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. which was dedicated Memorial Day 2004.
It came to my attention last week in a sermon that Joan of Arcadia, the hit CBS show which airs on Friday nights, will not be returning in the fall. The pastor and her partner in ministry (I like the partner description they use; it is so much more cooperative than "co-pastor" or the "senior" and "associate" designations) are sad to see this go because not only do they enjoy the show immensely, but they also reference the episodes in their confirmation classes. The show premiered my second year of college, so having no TV in my apartment, I didn't get to watch it regularly but I always enjoyed watching it when I was home for whatever holiday. It's one of the few shows my parents, sisters and I have ever all liked (this really is impressive).
The Northern Great Lakes Synod Assembly for 2005 began Sunday evening, 22 May with worship. Some 400 people- give or take- were in attendance for the "Finnish African Gospel Mass" (a fantabulous service; if you ever get the chance to participate in it, I highly recommend that you do!). I skipped the plenary session for that night, but I did attend the full day Monday and the remaining half-day Tuesday. While it certainly wasn't the most exhilerating time of my life, it was nonethless a great experience for several reasons. The next several entries will be almost exclusively about the assembly and its issues as I see/saw and experience/d them. To begin with, one of the most controversial subjects in the religious, secular and their overlapping spheres: sexuality. More specifically, HOMOsexuality.
Katie and I recently learned that the ELCA Global Mission people don't feel entirely comfortable with the idea of us accepting donations through a website. Oh well, linking this onto Fark.com probably wouldn't have worked anyway... ;-)
I probably should have said something about this yesterday, but with the PayPal thing Adam set up, don't use it right now. I need to get a treasurer of sorts yet and make sure that this is an acceptable way of garnering financial support for this mission. In the meantime, keep up the prayer support.
Hey there! I'm Adam, Katie's kind-of techno-savvy friend, and here to tell you about why you should help her go to the UK.