Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Autism Counts

Three of the service users at Queensdown Road are autistic and two of them display autistic behaviors. I've been doing some independent research the last couple of weeks, mostly reading the files about autism in the office. The other day, had an online survey concerning autism and what people taking the survey knew. Also on the site is an autism guide put out by the National Autistic Society. I'm finding it very good, as are other staff members. Please check it out for yourself.

Monday, September 12, 2005

I'm in the U.K.!

Hello everyone! For the two of you that may occassionally read this, I don't need to tell you where I'm at. For the rest of you who stumbled upon this little blog by mistake, let me tell you where exactly I am at.

I'm in the London borough of Hackney (don't ask me what a borough is, I don't know. If you know, please tell me). I'm working at Queensdown Road, a residential home for adults with learning disabilities. "Working" is accurate, but "volunteer" is more so. I am here through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's (ELCA) Young Adults in Global Mission Program (YAGM).

More to come later, but I've only got a couple of minutes left before the library computer kicks me off and I'm going to e-mail my sister.
